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GHSM Group
Grand Hotel San Marino
Titano Hotel
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I nostri servizi
Centro Mességué

Da oltre 30 anni il Centro Medico Dimagrimento Maurice Mességué, nel cuore di San Marino.

La Terrazza

Cenare a lume di candela tra i merli di una Torre medievale non è proprio una cosa banale che si riesce a vivere tutti i giorni.

Caffè Titano

Caffè Titano, nel pieno Centro Storico, affacciato su una splendida piazzetta Medioevale, in uno degli angoli più remoti del borgo antico.

Match Point Ristorante & Pizzeria

Il Match Point è il luogo ideale per chi cerca una cucina deliziosa e un'atmosfera accogliente.

La Cremeria del Titano

Una gelateria nel cuore del centro storico di San Marino, dove i sapori autentici e semplici si trasformano in gelati artigianali.

La Loggia

Una piccola bottega nella quale trovare i sapori autentici e semplici della nostra Terra e della nostra cara vicina Romagna: salumi, formaggi, vini e vermouth locali e genuini.

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Weight loss center in Italy 10
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Weight loss center in Italy

The weight loss center in Italy Mességué is an authentic point of reference for those who want to lose weight and recover a better physical condition.

The merit goes to a structure capable of ensuring a 360 ° offer, with treatments, paths, physical activity programs and personalized diets.

High profile proposals made possible by the presence of a staff with heterogeneous skills, with doctors (including media -mounted specialists and nutritionist biologists), herbalists, phytotherapists and personal trainers.


Weight loss center in Italy in San Marino

The Mességué Center is in the historical part of San Marino and offers its guests balanced diets, physical activity programs, massages, aesthetic treatments face and body.

Each program is Taylor Made, built specifically on the critical issues of the individual. Guests are first subjected to visits and analyzes performed by the medical team.

The goal is to define the molecular aspect and the lipidomic profile. Once the analyzes are concluded, the doctors structure the Fat Profile.

On the basis of the parameters obtained, and referring to the biological values, an integrated diet with herbal teas, decoctions, juggles and actifluids identified by the centerist of the center is defined.


Weight loss center in Italy with personalized diets

The scientific method provides us with useful tools to define a structured diet on the individual.

The dishes are prepared by our chefs following the medical indications of the center. The proposals are tasty and intriguing, but always low in calorie.

The diet is characterized by the presence of legumes, fibers, fruit, vegetables. There are no animal fats and all the ingredients used follow seasonality.

Many of them come from the "Podere Lesignano" farm, located on the hills of San Marino. The medical staff and the chefs of the Mességué Center can develop special diets designed for vegetarians, celiacs and vegans.


Discover the weight loss center in Italy Mességué.

Book your stay.

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