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GHSM Group
Grand Hotel San Marino
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I nostri servizi
Centro Mességué

Da oltre 30 anni il Centro Medico Dimagrimento Maurice Mességué, nel cuore di San Marino.

La Terrazza

Cenare a lume di candela tra i merli di una Torre medievale non è proprio una cosa banale che si riesce a vivere tutti i giorni.

Caffè Titano

Caffè Titano, nel pieno Centro Storico, affacciato su una splendida piazzetta Medioevale, in uno degli angoli più remoti del borgo antico.

Match Point Ristorante & Pizzeria

Il Match Point è il luogo ideale per chi cerca una cucina deliziosa e un'atmosfera accogliente.

La Cremeria del Titano

Una gelateria nel cuore del centro storico di San Marino, dove i sapori autentici e semplici si trasformano in gelati artigianali.

La Loggia

Una piccola bottega nella quale trovare i sapori autentici e semplici della nostra Terra e della nostra cara vicina Romagna: salumi, formaggi, vini e vermouth locali e genuini.

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Relaxing stay in San Marino 10
Relaxing stay in San Marino 11
Relaxing stay in San Marino 12

Relaxing stay in San Marino

Relaxing stay in San Marino thanks to the special proposals of the Mességué weight loss center.

The structure located in the historic center of San Marino offers packages including overnight stay, diet and personalized care treatments.

Proposals at 360 ° and of different duration, which allow you to relax and recover the best psycho-physical condition through ad hoc paths, defined by the medical staff of the Center.


Relaxing stay in San Marino Centro

Different types of packages are available:

  • Detox stays: 2, 4 or 6 nights. They include overnight stay in the classic room, full board, medical, herbal and fitness services, body treatments such as salt scrubs, myo -ilasing massages, silt and soft pack System, lymphatic drainage;

  • Loss stays: 6 nights. They include overnight stay in the superior room, full board, salt scrubs, myorilaxant massages, silt and soft pack system, face lymphatic drainage, medical, herbal services and fitness, body treatments such as slimming/remodeling massages, objection, reducing bandages, draining bioactive mud, slim Up, Technoshape, exfoliating salt treatment;

  • Wellness stays: 3 nights. Overnight in the room of your choice, full board, medical, herbal services and fitness, 13 body treatments, including exfoliating salt treatment, slim up, reducing bandage, giant seaweed, shock waves treatment, technoshape, total massages 30-minute body, silt treatment and salt-soft pack system;

  • Total Wellness stays: 6 nights. Overnight stay in the superior room, medical, herbal and fitness services, 24 body treatments, including an assets, reduction bandages, osmogels, sailshape treatment, total-blind massages of 30 ', shock wave treatments, slim up, technoshape, silt e Sale -Soft Pack System, Green Cate Treatment with Massage 30 ', Treatment of Argaan oil, white mud, exfoliating salt treatment;

  • Stays Total Wellness Manual: 6 nights. Overnight in the superior room, medical, herbal and fitness services, 18 body treatments, including Garshan massages, white mud, exfoliating salt treatment, velashape treatment, Hydradermie Visage, green cast treatment with 30 'massage, body firming radio, giant seaweed treatments, , Total- Body 60 'massages, shock wave treatments, Argaan oil treatment;

  • Fat Profile: 10 nights. Overnight in the superior room, medical, herbal and fitness services, 27 body treatments, including technoshape, exfoliating, 1950 massages, Garshan Dren massage, green cast treatments with 30 'massage, medical shock waves, giant seaweed, radiofrequency body, sailshape treatment, actor-vacuum -medical, laser lipo.

Relaxing stay in San Marino historic center

The 6 different types of stay allow to identify the path and experience that best suits their needs.

Through the proposals of the Mességué Center it will be possible to lose weight but also relax and dedicate time to your health and well -being.

At the end of the stay we will feel more relaxed and detoxified. And we will also acquire those skills that will allow us to understand how to maintain the results over time.


Live a relaxing stay in San Marino.

Choose the wellness treatments of the Mességué Center.

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