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Centro Mességué

Da oltre 30 anni il Centro Medico Dimagrimento Maurice Mességué, nel cuore di San Marino.

La Terrazza

Cenare a lume di candela tra i merli di una Torre medievale non è proprio una cosa banale che si riesce a vivere tutti i giorni.

Caffè Titano

Caffè Titano, nel pieno Centro Storico, affacciato su una splendida piazzetta Medioevale, in uno degli angoli più remoti del borgo antico.

Match Point Ristorante & Pizzeria

Il Match Point è il luogo ideale per chi cerca una cucina deliziosa e un'atmosfera accogliente.

La Cremeria del Titano

Una gelateria nel cuore del centro storico di San Marino, dove i sapori autentici e semplici si trasformano in gelati artigianali.

La Loggia

Una piccola bottega nella quale trovare i sapori autentici e semplici della nostra Terra e della nostra cara vicina Romagna: salumi, formaggi, vini e vermouth locali e genuini.

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Slimming treatments in Italy 10
Slimming treatments in Italy 11
Slimming treatments in Italy 12

Slimming treatments in Italy

The slimming treatments in Italy of the Mességué Center are designed to put in shape through modern, effective, performing paths.

The structure offers Slim Up treatments, Velasmooth, shock waves, anti -cellulite bandages.

All routes are performed by specialized personnel through the help of modern and technologically advanced machinery.

The treatments are identified by a medical team following specific medical analyzes that allow to identify the real critical issues and the best way to solve them.


Slimming treatments in Italy in San Marino

The Slim Up treatment is carried out through the help of a specific equipment with infrared and electrostimulator radiation source. Their action allows to obtain streamlining, modeling and toning of the body.

It is a particularly recommended treatment for firming difficult areas such as the internal thigh, to remodel the buttocks, to recreate abdominal tone.

SIM UP allows you to sculpt the silhouette according to specific needs by focusing on very precise body parts; allows you to get quick results; It does not cause any type of pain.

The Velasmooth treatment is performed through an equipment that includes radio frequency, infrared light and vacuum.

The fibrous bonds, the skin and the adipose layer are mechanically manipulated by obtaining a smoother and more regular appearance, the stretching and contraction of the aged collagen fibers, the production of new collagen by the stimulated fibroblasts.


Center with slimming treatments in Italy

Treatment with shock waves eliminates cellulite and accumulations of fat and treats skin laxity producing immediate results.

It also reduces oxidative stress, improves local microcirculation, the lymphatic circle, the appearance, elasticity and tonicity of the skin, stimulates fibroblasts and promotes the reduction of water retention.

Treatment with anti cellulite bandages reduces the imperfections of cellulite and the sense of heaviness and swelling by acting on the abdomen, arms and legs.

Warm and cold bandages reduce swelling due to water retention, high temperatures of the summer period, efforts and drug hiring.

The treatment is carried out through hot and cold bandages, gauze soaked in a liquid with active ingredients aimed at fighting imperfections such as orange peel, swelling and sense of heaviness giving a more toned and compact appearance to the skin.


Discover the slimming treatments in Italy of the Mességué Center.

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